Production: Script/Screenplay
My script doesn't have much dialogue whatsoever. It actually only has two lines where the characters speak. The point of the lack of speech in the script is to create a sense of mystery and suspense. I want whoever is watching to be confused as to what's happening. This will have them wondering what this suspicious character is about to do. I will copy and paste my script here so that you can read it. INT. CHARACTER 1'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DUSK To establish the scene, Character 1 is seen setting up the Christmas tree. EXT. CHARACTER 1'S HOUSE - ACROSS THE STREET - DUSK Character 2 stands menacingly outside Character 1's house, with the objective to enter. EXT. CHARACTER 1'S HOUSE - THE BACKYARD - DUSK Character 2 decides to enter through the back where they will not be seen. They jump the fence, their identity remaining obscured INT. CHARACTER 1'S HOUSE - KITCHEN/DINING ROOM - DUSK Character 1 is seen preparing something in the kitchen, seemingly unawa...
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