Group Blog

 I haven't figured out who I'm going to work with yet. This is actually incredibly stressful for me right now. I had planned to work with a few of my friends, but there were 5 of us. Apparently, the limit for a group is 4 people. Obviously, that wouldn't work with a group of 5. I had to separate and now I need to figure out who I'm going to group up with. I have to have this sorted quickly, as I'm already behind on things now. These deadlines and amount of blogs we need to be writing seriously stress me out. I have so much work to do for other classes and barely any time left over. Since I have no group, it's hard for me to meet the sentence requirement. I can't even pick a song if I have nobody to work with. But I guess I'll spill some ideas I was thinking of. I have a story idea that's kind of dumb, but it should work. I wanted to maybe try doing a parody of a parody that I saw of a Coldplay song. It's a Minecraft parody of Viva la Viva, but renamed to Fallen Kingdom. I thought it would be funny to remake the animated video but in real life. I'm just not sure if that would be allowed. The story would've been just about a king whose kingdom had fallen to monsters. But if that's not approved, I could use a really basic song from a mainstream artist. Taylor Swift maybe? Her songs have lyrics that make it really easy to imagine a story to it. Who knows? Until then, I need to think about a lot of things. 


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