Production Blog- Changes Are Being Made

 Okay, so I finally found a group to work with. Technically, we aren't "working together." But, we're going to help each other. I might just help them with their video, and in exchange, they will help me with mine. I realize my original idea for my video might be too complicated to execute, so I'm going to change the song and story. I will use One Way Or Another by Blondie. It's another one of those songs with lyrics that are pretty easy to understand and you can make up a music video for it in your head. Since the filming location will be in public, the song will work better with what I'm going to be doing with the actors. The new video will be about someone being stalked by another person. It could be a serial killer or just plain old weird stalker. I don't know if that would be considered "inappropriate," but I know for a fact it won't be graphic or anything. I might make a new storyboard, I'm not sure if I have to change the one I submitted. But if I don't have to, I don't think I will because the idea is pretty solid in my mind. It shouldn't take long to film or edit. The only problem I've run into is that the group is a big one, I think it's two groups combined. This means that planning is gonna be a lot more difficult. Nobody's schedules seem to mesh. When half of the group is free, the other is busy. Everyone plans to film at the same time so we can get our projects out of the way. Once we figure out a date, everything will be set in place. Hopefully I can get this done soon, because it's been on my mind. 


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