Production Blog- Just Thinking

 So far, nobody in the group has been active. This isn't a good thing. I'm going out with my boyfriend today, well, not really. We're just going to his house to watch Mean Girls. But I think I might try to film the video with him. My mom yelled at me and told me to not go out anywhere to celebrate Halloween or whatever. That makes me really angry, because we wanted to go to Rio Vista to hang out with other friends and he's begging me to go because "she won't know," but I really don't want to run the risk of getting in trouble. He said we don't have to go if it'll actually get me in trouble, and I agree. I just thought going could be a good opportunity to film the video and get it over with. I might have to arrange another day to film, or else I'll never get it done and I'll fail. Right now, I'm in algebra 2 and I am absolutely hating it. We just took a test, and I'm pretty sure I failed it, because I always do. I managed to pass with a C last quarter, but it just isn't meeting my standard of getting a B. No matter what I do, I can never get the hang of this class. Studying and trying to teach myself doesn't do anything, I can't retain the information. This class is really difficult, and I might get a tutor. Honestly, I wish I had a different teacher, because the one I have right now does not know what they're talking about. The only people in this class who have an A or B have it because they cheated. Either that, or they're actually smart. I don't believe I'm dumb or anything, I just have a specific learning style, and math has always been my weakest subject. It's the only class that stresses me out. I know this entire blog was way off topic, but I'm genuinely trying to figure things out right now. But soon I'll get it done! 


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