Research Blog

 For my music video, I have to research different angles and editing softwares. There are also different types of shots that I need to familiarize myself with. And on top of that, I must think about if I want to use the same editor I used for the last project, or if I want to use a different one. Learning about angles and shots is kind of overwhelming for some reason. There's so many terms that need to be memorized and visualized. I only really remember high and low angles, which is kinda sad. Hopefully, I can get these terms down pat and be a pro at defining and identifying them. When it comes to researching editing apps and softwares, there's so many options. It's actually insane, like there's thousands of apps on the App Store and half of them aren't even worth it. Usually, it tends to be a hit or miss with apps, since ads can be misleading. Reviews help a lot though, so I always make sure to read them and even look up video reviews online. I thought about going all out and using this $30 app called Lumafusion, because I can use it on my iPad. The price is my only setback, but it looks like it'd be worth it. There's another app called Final Cut Pro, and the price is even more crazy. I'm not joking, it literally costs $299 I think. Why would anyone spend that much on an app??? With that money, I could probably buy nearly everything I want right now like hair products and clothes. Perhaps I'll just stick to my free apps with watermarks that I can crop out. I will find a way, I'm sure of it. 


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