Title Research: Seven

  -What titles are displayed during the opening sequences?

Titles displayed include who created the film, the cast, who did the casting, who did the music, costume design, editing, production design, director of photography, co producers, co executive producers, executive producers, written by, produced by, and directed by. At several points throughout the title sequence, the actual title of the movie appears. 

 - What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?

No certain images are exactly prioritized, however, there are lots of little scenes in which someone is writing something or a notebook or paper is shown. There are also several small and short parts where it looks like somebody is compiling evidence or collecting and analyzing something. 

 - How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the opening sequence? 

There are a series of flashing images and rapid jump cuts. This creates a "flicker" effect, which builds up suspense and tension, establishing the feeling of a thriller film. 

I found this title sequence on Watch the Titles 


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