Production: Film Review Type thing

 Since the last blog, I managed to put everything together and I don’t know if I’m pleased with the final result. I guess it’s okay, but I needed feedback. I decided to make my mom watch the movie. To be honest, I found it really embarrassing and I didn’t realize how much I disliked my final product. I cringed the entire time I had her watch it. She looked kind of confused with the editing and said it didn’t look really suspenseful. She stated that the music was good and not too much. However, she also said I could use some sound effects. I did feel like those were needed, but I never included them despite searching for something. I’m glad she told me that, because now my opinion is backed up. She also said she thinks the movie is about a criminal breaking into an house. Overall, my mom liked the video and said the cinematography was good. This made me happy, because that was the only element of the final task I enjoyed. Playing with angles was really fun. Anyway, I embarked on another search for sound effects to perfect my final task as much as I can. I had a vision to put a scary sound during a specific scene. Maybe if I do that, and tweak some of the caption editing, it’ll be perfect. Or at the very least, a bit better. So I’m going to do all of that, and in the next blog I’ll update with changes. I’ll be back soon to talk about the final product! 


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