Movie Storyboard

Stalker (A) watches Victim (B) in their house from across the street Stalker approaches the house and can be seen walking to the front door Stalker is now at the window, watching Victim up close Inside, Victim is decorating the Christmas tree, unaware of The Stalker Pan right towards fence gate in backyard Pan up from ground to gate The Stalker approaches the gate from outside, about to break in Stalker shakes and bangs on locked gate In the end, she gives up and jumps over Through the glass door, Stalker continues to watch Victim Inside, Victim is organizing things, still oblivious Stalker finds an unlocked door and enters the house Victim is in the kitchen preparing something as Stalker creeps up on them Stalker continues getting closer Finally, Stalker grabs Victim by the shoulder, scaring them After apologizing for being late, Stalker helps Victim prepare cookies They bake together and everything is fine Exit with Stalker rolling dough and shaping cookies. E...